Dec. 17, 2021 AF Week in Photos This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
Jan. 29, 2021 AMC hosts operational demonstration for latest AE innovation Air Mobility Command hosted the final operational demonstration for a portable and constructable ramp, or Patient Loading System, used to safely on and offload patients to high-deck aircraft, such as the KC-10 Extender, KC-46 Pegasus and KC-135 Stratotanker. #ReserveReady
Jan. 7, 2021 Department of the Air Force offers civilians more than 30 development programs #ReserveReform
Nov. 3, 2020 Travis EOD Airmen train advanced warfighting capabilities Travis Explosive Ordnance Disposal Airmen conduct exercises Oct. 22 and Oct. 28 that simulate real-world situations.#ReserveReady
June 22, 2020 Hurricane Hunters conduct deployment for training Check out this article from our previous 349th Public Affairs staff member Tech. Sgt. Christopher Carranza:#ReserveResilient
May 12, 2020 McConnell first to test KC-46 NVG flights A 344th Air Refueling Squadron aircrew from McConnell Air Force Base was the first KC-46 Pegasus crew to conduct operational test flights using night vision goggles. #ReserveReady
May 3, 2017 Total force development services now in a single-point center The Air Force has consolidated all total force development services and resources to a single-point center. All Airmen (active duty, Reserve, Guard and civilian) will now be able to fully utilize all force development resources through the virtual force development center.