About Us

349th Air Mobility Wing Logo           

349th Air Mobility Wing Mission: Generate and sustain combat-ready mobility Airmen. Vision: The AFRC Wing of Choice, forging a family of innovative and adaptive Citizen Airmen prepared to rapidly deliver mobility warriors and dominant Air Power anytime, anywhere. 

The 349th Air Mobility Wing, located at Travis Air Force Base, Calif., is the largest associate wing in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. With the arrival of the C-17 Globemaster III at Travis AFB in August 2006, the 349th flies it along with the C-5 Galaxy and KC-46A Pegasus. It is now the only Air Force Reserve unit that flies three major weapons systems--and has an aeromedical mission.

For media requests, inquiries, or questions, call (707) 424-3936 or email us at 349amwpa@us.af.mil.

For the Base Operator please call (707) 424-1110

Normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Public Affairs office is located at 520 Waldron St., Travis AFB, Calif., 94535.

Memorandum of understanding submitted to Air Force Public Web is available upon request.