• 349th AMW welcomes new Director of Psychological Health

    Well-being and mental health are significant players in what makes a person whole, content, and full of zest.  Though often ruts in the pavement do appear during a person’s travels along the road of life, a minor tune up may be required.Getting back up on the pavement is the aim, just as this one

  • AF Week in Photos

    This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • Col. Jacquelyn Marty retires after 32 years

        Col. Jacquelyn Marty, 349th Air Mobility Wing vice commander, retired June 4, 2022 after three decades of service. Marty’s Air Force career ended at the very place it began. Her first assignment was here at Travis in 1994, when she assisted with the stand up of the 9th Air Refueling Squadron.   

  • Travis AFB hosts CSO event despite pandemic

    The 60th Air Mobility Wing Phoenix Spark innovation cell at Travis AFB virtually hosted its first commercial solutions opening event at the base May 20. #ReserveReady

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