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TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Air Force Reservist Tech. Sergeant Mickey S. Gibbs picked up the Noncommissioned Officer of the Month award for June 15-July 15 for his deployed unit. Sergeant Gibbs is deployed to the 332d Expeditionary Communications Squadron, Balad Air Base, Iraq. When he returns home, he'll come back to his unit of assignment at Travis Air Force Base, the 23d Combat Communications Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo)

332d ECS

TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Air Force Reservist Tech. Sergeant Mickey S. Gibbs picked up the Noncommissioned Officer of the Month award for June 15-July 15 for his deployed unit. Sergeant Gibbs is deployed to the 332d Expeditionary Communications Squadron, Balad Air Base, Iraq. When he returns home, he'll come back to his unit of assignment at Travis Air Force Base, the 23d Combat Communications Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo)

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