Civic Leader Tour
U.S. Air Force Capt. Felix Jones, right, Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations resiliency team chaplain, talks about the dedication, resiliency, and professionalism of their team to Sandy Person, center, USAF civic leader and Travis Golden Bear, and Mark Limon, Travis AFB honorary commander, during the Civic Leader Tour, at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, May 4, 2021. The AFMAO resiliency team provides a robust and diverse resiliency support outreach program that incorporates the Comprehensive Airman Fitness Program (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) to enhance the welfare of the team who support this challenging mission. The Civic Leader Tour was an opportunity for our community leaders to better understand and advocate for the Air Mobility Command’s diverse mission. (U.S. Air Force photo by Chustine Minoda)